Erasmus Internships
What is the program Erasmus Internships?
This program will let you do a traineeship outside Spain (it can be a university center as well as a company). The grants are offered by the University of Zaragoza Company Foundation (FEUZ) and the stay must include a period between 3 and 12 months.
The destinations which may be requested include the EU countries, together with Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Turkey.
Nowadays it is not necessary to have an agreement with a company or the host university. You just basically need an acceptance from the center of destination where you are going to complete the practical period.
These internships will have an academic recognition which, if it comes to it, will be included in the European Title Supplement (see regulations).
Requirements to be an Erasmus Internship student at the FVZ
- Be a last year student.
- EU nationality or permanent residence in the EU.
- Existence of an academic tutor who validates and monitors the practical period (any professor of the FVZ).
Endowment of the Erasmus Internship grants
The amount of the grant depends on the length of the stay and on the country of destination.
Considerations to be taken into account when filling in the application form
The request is necessary to be done at the FEUZ but it must be presented previously at the secretariat of this center (Alberto Gimeno)
- Fill in the application form of request (FEUZ) attached in the documentation.
- To present a letter of acceptance of the company or university where the practices are going to be fulfilled (you can find a sample letter included in the documentation).
- To present the Learning Agreement where the types of practices appear and how they are going to be recognized (you can find a sample included in the documentation).
The information is changing, so it would be advisable to visit the the following web:
Documentation of interest
Plazo y procedimiento solicitudes bolsa de prácticas Erasmus + 2023-24 (14 de abril de 2023) **Nuevo**
Carta de aceptación bolsa de prácticas Erasmus + 2023-24 (14 de abril de 2023) **Nuevo**
Contact person
Isabel Nuez
International Placements Co-ordinator
Fernando el Católico, 59, esc. dcha. 1º izda.
E-50006 Zaragoza (Spain)
Tfno.: +34 976 351 508 ext. 7